חסידות – משמעות החיים 2

משמעות החיים
this differs from a

seller who sets conditions for his own

benefit the Creator heaven

forbid has no deficiency requiring the

lower beings to fulfill his conditions

as it is written if you are righteous

what do you give him the conditions the

creator sets are solely for man's

benefit this can be understood through a

parable a person tells his friend I want

to give you much gold and silver

but with one condition otherwise you'll


nothing the friend asks what do you

require before giving me the gold and

silver he answers bring large and small

sacks that you can fill with gold and

silver know that from my side there is

no limitation on the

quantity the amount of gold and silver

depends only on your limitation I will F

exactly as many vessels as you bring

no less and no more this is my condition

and it is clear that here the conditions

are not for the benefit of the

giver but entirely for the benefit of

the receiver similarly in Divine

service the Creator's requirements are


for man's benefit although initially man

thinks they are for the Creator's

benefit since Man was created with a

desire to

receive he cannot comprehend anything

that he doesn't see as benefiting

himself when told to work for the

Creator and others not for his own

benefit his body Consciousness and its

shells resist yet this is our work to go

against our


nature and this is called work in

contrast when one works and feels reward

for his own

benefit in external Torah and


he doesn't feel it as work he wants to

escape from due to Pride when one feels

they're receiving something without

exchange the matter of bread of Shame

nadua arises and they feel embarrassed


receive therefore one doesn't complain

about the need to

work but rather about receiving less

compensation than they think they're

worth we find that it's not true work

when one knows they'll receive

compensation in contrast True Divine

service not for its own sake is called

work because it requires working without

compensation not for the sake of

receiving reward this isn't in our

nature hence it's called work indeed in

this state the Creator conceals

everything from man and therefore the

body resists such work and there's

always complaint against the Creator for

giving such difficult work that

contradicts our nature