בינה מלאכותית

בינה מלאכותית – קבלה
The Secret of artificial intelligence

from the perspective of cabala for more

information and lessons on the topic

visit the website or the YouTube channel

of the rabbi known as Rabbi cabala for

beginners everything in this world is

drawn from the upper world as it is the

root of everything like a seal in its

imprint seed and cell however there is a

gravitational lens of material illusion

that distorts things but originally

everything is drawn from

the spiritual the wisdom of cabala knows

how to connect and unify all kinds of

wisdom including

separateness for example classical

physics and quantum theory or matter and

antimatter emotion heart Etc as it

represents the revelation of the

Creator's thought and will connecting

and unifying everything normally in this

material world The Matrix there is

simply an intentional

concealment of everything similar to The

Hidden Quantum

particle and this is also rooted in

spiritual reality however the material

is just a symbolic expression for Mor

see the cabala for beginner's course

returning to our topic The Secret of


intelligence in truth nature and the

laws of nature and the animal mind of

humans are the natural artificial

intelligence that the Creator embedded


creation as well as the Angels the

searat and the worlds a kind of Matrix

spiritual and material let's call it

Royal intelligence regarding artificial

intelligence in relation to

humans essentially all development of

creation is a kind of copy of what the

Creator embedded and also the human


creates and discovers does so thanks to

the intellect and

Imagination which are originally

spiritual forces unique to

humanity but when a person has a flood

of knowledge fed to them like with


intelligence but lacks a corrected and

balanced heart to contain all the

knowledge it is like eating a lot of

food when the digestive power is not


properly this causes dysfunction

therefore the sages said anyone whose

wisdom exceeds their deeds their wisdom

does not endure it is written the

purpose of knowledge is not to know as

knowledge is merely a means to serve the

soul heart and Faith but if it does the

opposite as it is not translated into

inner work but into

philosophy and a flood of technical

knowledge it weakens the soul in summary

artificial intelligence can be a good


like all technology and is intended to

free humans from Material concerns to be

available to give

their heart to the spirit but if it does

not serve its purpose it is a concept in

cabala referred to as receiving wisdom


kindness and in Egypt this was called


plague of

Darkness therefore Lev har in gatria

equals 32 corresponding to the 32 Paths

of wisdom and the 32 teeth which

represent receiving

knowledge and wisdom in the correct way

that builds the soul rather than Pride

laziness and


additionally in the Hebrew language Lana

moon is an acronym for ledb nevat HMA 32

Paths of wisdom there is much more to

discuss but space here is limited for

more visit our YouTube Channel may we

Merit to use technology correctly for

additional and interesting material on

this topic visit our website I am the

rabbi known as Rabbi cabala for

beginners please share the video comment

and give it a like to help spread the

knowledge to the public I would greatly

appreciate it if you subscribe as

channel members on my YouTube channel to

support assist and partner in spreading

this content to benefit many

additionally join my telegram channel so

you won't miss any content blessings and

success to you all amen

שתף אותנו
מאמר קודםkabbalah
המאמר הבאקבלה