בעל התניא

כד בטבת בעל התניא הילולת אדמור הזקן
the balhan

says I desire

nothing I don't want your Garden of

Eden I don't want your world to come I

want only you

alone we may ask what's so why is about

wanting the Holy One it's like someone

saying I don't want Copper don't want

silver don't want gold I only want

diamonds meaning you alone the light of

essence infinite


light answer when the balh hatan says

this he means I don't want the light of


world nor the world to come but only you

alone meaning only to give you

satisfaction similar to the

matter of morai the righteous and

Moses and indeed such exotic merits true

divine revelation as in reward for Moses



face he merited to behold God's

image we usually serve not for its own

sake but to receive reward therefore we

are shown very small lights truly

microscopic in the Zohar language a thin

illumination but we begin training with

small things and gradually grow for a

person to want and be able to give up

the desire to receive spiritually they

must first have senses and appetite for

spirituality most of the world sees Only

The Limited physical particle both in

Soul and body but Penny by Penny

accumulates and The Light Within returns

them to good in the aspect of If Only

They had forsaken me but kept my

Torah therefore may we Merit to intend

that through engaging in Torah and

mitzvot we will purify the kipot within

us as the serious kipot are not about

receiving ice cream and Ferrero Rocher

but in spirituality there is just an

order of levels in the latter of

development with God's help in chassidic

teachings which focuses on the aspects

of awe and love and not just on the


aspect cido is the aspect of

malit like the psychology of cabala may

we Merit fear and love and true

Spiritual Development not for the sake

of receiving reward neither physical nor


and then the son of David will come as

Rabbi shiman Bar yochi says amen may it

be his will stand with Israel support

Israel the name Israel means straight to

God I am the rabbi known as Rabbi cabala

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