יסודות בפנימיות התורה – מי הוא האני האמיתי של האדם

Shalom Bracha We are studying the basics of the Torah boarding school, the book of the Torah up to what

is included in the parashat

, listen who is the true punisher of man, man is between heaven

and earth, heaven is the purpose of man, the place he must

reach is recognition

of the name in the plural,

the name

in the singular, the sky in the plural, like the hand, the earth is cold, the desire

in man is a role Man's connection with the sky Man is ordered between his will and his purpose when

each time another idea leads him to another desire.

Will man ever be divided between these two rulers between the heavens of the earth or what can he

join them

? Man to detach

himself from the desire to give it up and thus reach heaven to be the creator himself which is called in their language

to connect to the light to be

him I will read and then I will explain what creation is and from

the creatures found in creation the desire is the exit of


kind of existence is


It's a shame, it was a strong passage

, okay, I'll read it again. Will there ever be

a division of man between these two rulers between heaven and earth, or will he be able to join them together?

Man's role is to reach heaven with his head without detaching his feet from

the earth. For the sky to be

the creator himself which is called in their language to connect with the light to be

what creation is and from the creatures and the creatures found in creation it seems to me that I read it the

explanation did not generalize I did not record a I will read again the desire is the exit of fire from where is

creation is the general fire of the whole of creation when It is detailed into private desires that are expressed in

private forms of the desires. Desire is the substance of creation. All matter


with form. The form is the space created by

matter. Oh, Bria

, OK, we have an azmer here, man is placed between heaven and earth, between purpose and desire, between interiority

and exteriority, between the soul and the body, the role of man to join them

is in the singular, heaven is as if in the plural, like hand in hand, since the purpose is instead of

the general means, will man always be divided or will he unite them, then the role of Man is to reach heaven with

his head without detaching his feet from the earth, but the earth is not called the physical earth, but

it is a sign of what

is meant. The physical earth is only a certain clothing for the spiritual thing called the land of man's longing desire. It

can have many clothes, not a physical clothing, it can be a mental biological clothing.

Psychologists, my soul is spiritual in the spiritual worlds, that's why we don't

limit the concept to the physical visualization because it's only a small detail that I'm talking about land in the spiritual sense,

it's the desire, the longing, so I can throw it into many, many

things, but if I grasp the concept of land only in the physical visualization, I'm limited

in achieving it and that's it The mistake in the external perception that to be in Jerusalem if I perceive the Land of Israel only

from a physical point of view may be that I am in the Land of Israel but I do not have the desire of reverence and honest love

for God so I am not really in the Land of Israel but I am in the best stimulus called the Land of Israel therefore

there is a mitzvot of return The land, but the mitzvot of returning to the land is spiritual, and not only in the physical representation,


physical action itself is not enough. I have to connect it internally


Appeals like this are called I'm on the Temple Mount, but through the physical actions we stimulate

the physical consciousness, but it's not

limited to a great tzaddik, and I had a good segment where I spoke about it, and it broke down in the recording that I moved the

microphone, it doesn't matter, so what I say will say what wasn't recorded, not

bad either A tzaddik is not that his physical image suddenly

changes, it will always be limited, it is only a stimulus, it cannot contain

spirituality, but a tzaddik is greater than a small physical stimulus, he evokes enormous things in the mind, and even without

the stimulus by his divine imagination, oh in the hands of prophets, he can

still stimulate A high-ranking tzaddik

for whom carnality will be an inner expression in which instead of a stimulus that comes to him, but this expression

will also be symbolic of why, because the main part of the expression is in the spiritual reality, since carnality

by its nature is limited, so what is it that Baal Haslam says that the carnal images are inferior to the

so-called spirituality, that a person in spiritual thanksgiving completely removes spirituality from time And the place then anyway sees

only spirituality and in his view there is no longer physicality but the physicality of the box is not complete the mistake in the

external perception and it is not a mistake either I mean development is the spiritual evolution of man but

not to remain a fool all the time a fool in a person who seems to think that the physical thing is

the very thing like A little boy who thinks that the doll or the baby is a real girl as far as he is concerned and he

prefers to keep her and not his little sister or the other way around or the girl,

so then it is a mistake that we

take the physical thing and sanctify it, making it the very thing and it is only a means and if we don't understand

that we will only get stuck in the physical visualization and the opposite You

The slave to the lady and the lady to the slave and this is not good as it is said

in the Zohar corrections that maintain the positions because in death that eat hay hay from the tongue yard from the tongue

half of the tongue externality which is the outer side of

the mitzvot and you have to remember that all the physical imagery is subject to the physical consciousness, that is to say of time

and place there is no exchange and exchange even The aquant or the

elementary particles, as I said in one of the classes, the electron is not really everywhere, it's

just so fast, ours looks the same, and that's perfectly fine, because really in relation to the

lower level of classical physics, it's like it doesn't have time, that's right, but inside itself, it also

has time why because all physicality is under the

physical consciousness only in the spiritual world there is no time to collect so why do the quantum particles behave as if more

spiritual because they are as if a symbol for more subtle substances whose form is stronger and closer to spirituality

but but this is only a sign it does not help me how many quantum I will see in the microscope If I don't

see love and unity in my soul, that's why we need to understand how to relate

to physicality even in the mitzvot, and if we don't understand it, it's not easy to understand. The first step is to learn the

internals of the Torah, the language of branches, the wisdom of Kabbalah, which actually trains our consciousness,

maybe I'll talk a little physicality but don't get stuck there because it's just a parable like

you learn to drive or learn karate then the connections in the brain

are perfected and the perception and it becomes really automatic for you over time so the same with spirituality

little by little our automatic perception is like for physicality but slowly if you learn a lot of

inner things Even only with a technique in a comprehensive light, but it is true that the mind begins to think

inwardly, even if it is only philosophy at the beginning, but our


is to take it to heart

. The person disconnects from the desire yes the longing with illness and all

and we are nothing but disconnecting from the form of the wife's desire to receive and this is something

completely different I mean we don't have to be the parent as you also see in particle juice huh

and this is just another parable but gives a parable that will be a little

tangible that they are trying to cause without knowing the proton An electron has to go through the limits of light, it gets fatter,

it becomes slower, why because the particle cannot be, and its nature

to be a particle cannot be

pure, even what particles see each other

as if they are light, but that's all the photons or energy or radiation will work, it's

like the perception Ours is the light in its finest clothing, which is called faith, therefore it has no mass like

the step of the crown, which is an average between the top

and the bottom, says what is creation, Omen, health,

the mitzvot in creation, desire is the

exit of something. This is why it has

a kind of I saw they sent me some letter about the owner of the provision that says where the creation begins and this and also

a lot of people study the Ramchal about the infinity about the saver so you have to understand that creation is a borrowed concept as

it is written in Genesis creation it is not about the initial creation it is about the worlds in it it is a lot

Long after creation, you have to understand the language of the branches, and then you don't get confused in



. The kingdom of infinity therefore infinity is the creation, not the creator,

but in Asof it is as if the initial revelation of the creator to the creation is called

infinite light. I think the rabbi talked about it here, so I will get to it anyway. The rabbi said

here that the general fire of

creation that I look

from the bottom up

does not want To confuse you, but it's good that it is

recorded as I look from the bottom up, the desire to receive is innovation is

the being and the light is the eye because there is no desire to receive grace

and peace in it, but if I look upside down from top to bottom then the light is the being and the desire to receive is

an eye why because the light has always been as we say that he is

revealed in the way of Yesh Mish because he has always been, but

simply speaking from the bottom up from our perception and the desire to receive is

a kind of existence, that is, he suddenly becomes a thing that does not

exist, saying then the creature is the substance of creation, every substance found with a form has the form that is understood in it

that is called in order to receive The material without form is called a desire to receive, but it is an abstract thing, that is

to say, I have no achievement in which it does not have the substance of the form, which gives it the substance, the form expresses the details, the

participation of the bottom, the parts through which the whole is perceived, the

admiration of the essence, this is the nature of creation. There are other definitions for this form. It depends on what you are talking about. Everything

is made up of form and matter. This is against a creator and a creature. Inner and outer body and soul.

In essence, form is

the space that creates matter


The common has the

general space means the entity consisting of mind with a bounded form within it is the private entity of all creation

Or creation, yes, that's what defines everything, including the atoms, especially the will of

man, by the way, most matter is space, I won't go into it here, so I spoke in a cable course for beginners, but this is also

not the place, the difference between a simple being and a complex being,

there are complex creatures and creatures Simplicity For complex beings there is a common form

that borders the two private forms of each of them together, it is called a

common being. Now everything is actually common, even a sinful being, so

we see sharing within itself, but it depends on what level we are talking about

. The light in it, but it depends on what

degree I measure it, but everything has movement in it and everything is complex, because everything is made of the will

to receive, and this is the nature of creation, only the Creator is my unity, therefore there is no such thing as the divine particle,

even though it is really not the original name for what they tried to say, but it is The name that caught but

even though there is actually a divine particle but you have to understand what it

means because all particles are divided because the nature of the desire to receive is to be divided into what because it is a part it is

created says here for example the common entity of hydrogen and oxygen is water hydrogen is a private entity

oxygen is a private entity connecting together What is a new entity

? Yes, hydrogen, by the way, I talk a lot about physicality today, it's

dangerous, okay, but I also give

it in my head not to get confused. Hydrogen is like one line. It has a proton. I don't remember at all. Let's see. I don't remember what Rabbi

Google says. Let's check with Rabbi Google.

Hydrogen is a chemical element.

Hydrogen is made up of two fun atoms are connected blah

blah blah let's teach me how many lectures tell me the point

read the point nice I mean hydrogen in its normal form is not Aesop it doesn't have a neutron why

because it's like one line it doesn't need the balance of the middle line only that the left is strong so You need

the right, but what is oxygen, and it's also

interesting, we see that without oxygen it is impossible

to exist, so we actually see that two very different things that come together create a new thing


water, so this is an example of two elements that come together and form a new thing, or rather discover a

new rule by the way It is built from above, all these aggregates, it did not happen in an explosion or

in the suddenness of creation in the spiritual reality, it is also expressed in the

physical visualization, that is why there are physical laws for atoms, for biology, it is all drawn from the spiritual roots

, but of course within the framework of visualization and the wear and tear of time and place and the ancestors, that is to say, if I am tall, I am

not spiritual. I say, but a height in spirituality is a height, so you also need to know how to read the map.

The number of entities that exist is infinite,


like the number of infinite combinations of simple

and complex entities . The disintegrator releases

a very large energy of the comfort of the person who governs the anger

that has the power to disintegrate


. What is atomic fission? It's similar to breaking dishes. What happens in atomic fission?

A person has heavy desires.

By the way, as I said, the spiritual laws are a simulation of

the physical laws, so of course it's not just that the energy of the bond weakens

when the strong nuclear force actually weakens within a certain range because there is, as it were, a limit to

the internals, a limit to the externals that if The same Hebrews so there can be breaking dishes but it doesn't happen

normally because there are protections but in the soul it can happen even though even

in the soul there are protections for these things but it is actually like breaking the dishes the rabbi says here but what

actually happens in the fission of atoms Zemer Tomar has the

The nuclear chain reaction the bond energy is actually also energy

that is released and excess of the particles and the whole party that happens there but it happens in an uncontrolled unbalanced way

and therefore the poison is very great now everything inside it is like

infinity so as if I release

energy from it as if like its potential you see the It's also

in a super nova so it's like it's a very powerful thing now it's only on the particles if they could

release the energy of the space or one atom would destroy the

universe in the human soul but there is protection it's probably the reduction so you can't do it in the human soul

this situation is considered an offense leads to an offense when the offense is at the point of a basic desire in the

human soul, such as lust for honor, the thing drags itself and fucks itself until the person reaches according to a twin

sometimes he also falls into the twin, that is, to be in the existence of

the Creator in this situation, the person is mistaken for the first, which is the skin of the camel in the examination of who the name

is Her name in his voice is

the person

, the name is a rope that chokes his throat, he cuts himself off from the giver

of life, the correction of man

in his world, his home, feels his private being, as we spoke about his throat,

I was before the correction, the person in his world, his home, feels his

private being as his self, to open his form to connect with formal entities that are around him in order to

To become one entity The turning of the two into one is called the returned love in gematria 133 as the gematria

of the word

one the connection is a formal connection and not a material connection called the comparison of the form as opposed to the comparison

of the material yes it is something

completely different we connect on values ​​on interiority on forms on properties and not on the external material

as if it is a material connection that ends quickly of course it is also

mixed as we said in every material there is form also but normally we call a

material connection a connection that comes with the form of the desire to receive for oneself and we call a

spiritual connection a connection that comes with a form of influence for example connecting to a soccer team normally is

a material connection because it comes to the ego to physicality and all that does not

mean that it is bad in certain frameworks or degrees This is part

of the development, but we are currently talking about spirituality and a spiritual connection. There was a connection on behalf of the values ​​of

devotion to the Creator, love of Israel, Torah and the commandment of love of

God and man out of a desire to have

an impact .

In this, in a heavy course for a beginner, you should see it there and also in the article at the end of Zohar

Shammai, in terms of influence, the unity between human beings can only exist on the condition that it is connected to a

third thing

. A person should be the shape of the sky really like

there is a space inside the thing so if two individuals are connected together through the general way then the space

between them is also a space in which you can receive even more light because it is not

limited so why do I need the private space to have a point in my life together But

apparently in the common space I can get more but I didn't do it to get more of course

because then there will be a black hole and it will collapse in on itself but really to have an effect of course you need the help of

the Creator prayer

the poor joint work of the two beings the shared form between human beings needs Being the shape of

the sky The shape of the sky is an influence The shape of the earth is a constraint Therefore the sky is also

wide in terms of space In terms of airiness and the earth is

dense because this is the egoism side Of course our earth is fixed as raw material for

work spend the

person's will he will stick to the floor to the desire to receive his there are

such states of consciousness you can't get out of bed to pray

even you can go to other stars in consciousness yes man yes the form of the tyrant is acceptance a person must

accept outside himself acceptance outside himself is called

influence in the simple sense it is to enjoy it that something outside of you received the benefit not because you enjoy

it but because of your love for it outside of you is a word that can be confusing but the meaning is that everything is inside of me

what is outside of me but the meaning is in a way outside of me in a way beyond my private boundary

the sky is the purpose in which represents the form of the creator The form of the Creator, as far as we are concerned, is an effect of

lighting from the moon, which is of a light blue color that indicates the purpose of

man. The purpose of man is devotion to the Creator. Adherence can only exist by comparing

the form. The form of the Creator will

certainly not change as it is written

. Its essence is in the examination of the Creator in the examination of the primary cause



. that it is

a book by Baal Haslam, we talked about it there

in detail, so the bones of the creator, he has no idea why because he was not created, he did not want to receive, I have no achievement

in this, I perceive him as a creator, what is the initial connection, something, the reason for everything, what is

this reason, his desire for good for his creatures, but this It's not a reason in my sense that it's a disadvantage, it's a purposeful reason, it's

a reason that is not in my sense, because with us, a reason is

a disadvantage, I mean here as a primary reason, it does not have a disadvantage, it is a basic belief,

an axiom that cannot be challenged, but it is also not possible to start any kind of thought and any concept in its children,

because if there is On the downside, then there is a cause above it, it is not the primary cause, and if there is a cause

above it, then a cause

above it, and but somewhere it has to start because there is a principle of cause and effect, I cannot

say that there are causes, results, results without causes, that is, the principle

of a prior and ongoing cause and a revolving one requires that there is A primary cause

, but this primary cause must be complete

and outside the framework of the usual cause and effect, because otherwise it

itself will be the result of a previous cause, but in the end we must reach the primary cause

of everything. It is

beyond our perception because we, our perception begins after the creation after the reduction, so

we have no achievement in what is above this and if we do not accept it the whole building collapses it is like the one that there is the one that is

built with the cards I gave a blow everything falls and more than that I mean if it is not like this then

Everything is a desire to receive everything is separateness everything is everything is matter let's close the basta this is the whole

building collapsed like in other turns or with every

The idols pills are from the language of animal droppings,

by the way, that's why common sense requires the primary axiom, science also works like this, and mathematics,

a principle is certainty, but in order to touch it, we have to leave a little bit of the physical consciousness

and the desire to accept

for ourselves that primary reason, a foundation on which everything rests,

it is found in our perception as an element that is forbidden By the way, this is built into us automatically, otherwise

our heart would not be booming, it beats because it believes that there is a cause and effect, otherwise it has a reason to act

in the form of a process, since there is no reason in the pit,

therefore it is seen in our eyes as having the

complete benefit in an absolute, unchanging and irrefutable way,

even if We feel negative emotions from Zim or we experience very great suffering

of our own or of others and this is definitely part of the business at the bottom of the world of action

. This should seriously undermine our initial belief of faith which, as mentioned, must not be undermined. It is

not easy, but if we manage to grasp it then it is like a

quantum rope that protects us Of all the particle hypothesis that came to end us by examining the spirit of the hair of

the shells and little by little this too could affect the particles,

from this

it follows that the form of the Creator is an influence, it is the form of the sky that compels man to act his purpose

with perfect law even without the will of man he must act his purpose not to be infected In his burrow

they do copy him until he says I want to, I mean reality advances for its own sake whether we like it or not

our choice is to waste time and development by choice and

inner work in the end but the purpose will exist for another billion years another 10 billion another 100

years for the matter of reality there is the choice of Man in hurrying the

time, of course there are more layers to the appropriate place.

Adherence is the change of a person's private space to the point of turning it into a shared space with the Creator,

blessed be the shared space is the complete love between the Creator and the creature and between the creature

and the Creator. Creation the

desire to receive in which the substance of creation cannot change why because it is its nature it is someone it is

its essence it cannot change it the form of the desire can change why because it comes on the way of

creation not on the way of creation it has someone it doesn't have a kind of This is what he can

change, this is man's role in the world in terms of what God created him to do, that is,

to make a form of influence for the desire to have his feet in the earth and his head

in the sky. Okay, here the rabbi enters the questions, maybe we will read a bit, but those who want to see everything

should buy the book, we discuss it

in detail. Let's see, maybe I will summarize OK, I'll sum it up. I'm asking here why

Moses needs witnesses

like the sky and

the earth

. Take

the sky and the earth as vessels, so here is the sky and the word will sound

rife, but it is not about the physical sky as a sign, that is, it is talking about the

spiritual sky. These concepts are the most basic beliefs that the

Jewish people have. Concept

A. This concept of man is not a fixed thing in the human mind. fixed to a

fixed emotion that represents the concept that the Creator is the primary cause of every action,

since the Creator is the primary cause, there is certainly no

downside to it because from whom

it will be received and in the same way it is the absolute good that cannot be without it. This

perception must not change in any way under any circumstances in the human soul. Fundamentally, the whole

reality has changed, i.e. the whole building is falling apart. It does not depend on time, place, and movement. It is puzzling,

therefore, not on any kind of emotional change. If we manage to determine this in the soul, in consciousness, it

will protect us

from many difficult things. With his desire

towards his relationship with the benefactor with the sky marking the

benefactor there are two

possible types of relationships, I'll say it in short option A. This is the examination of the comforts

the examination of the gift and this is called the shells of parting

. Option B is the comparison of the form, it is called

love, the upliftment, this is the real movement that we want

to achieve. Apparently, the heavens and the earth are difficult. There is no idea how they are Jews, but it is about the

spiritual heavens and

the earth. which is the space that surrounds

everything if you will like a dark energy and there is the earth which is like a

dark substance that presses on the person from all directions to reach

his purpose

ok there is a lot more material here you should buy the book and see the things

or listen to the rabbi's lessons specifically he doesn't have a class at the moment On this parshah, but most of

the parshahs, there are lessons on the scale website. Summary We will read the summary anyway, Moshe Rabbeinu, the point of belief

that in man the source of the eternal light is about to depart from

the person.

The eternal ones who are the purpose and desire of man Beit Dim These are from the fathers of one division they are called heaven

and earth in their home Beit Dim who are connected to one testimony to the existential purpose of the entire creation and of every detail

in creation they are eternal witnesses and therefore faithful witnesses and signs of a man who will not drink from the way

worthy of every man hands These are his purpose and his will will be clear signs for the

general framework of his life as well as for every action that he will do they will be a match for the willingness and unwillingness of every law and things

of man with the truth a. One should check according to the purpose and the will my progress my movement

and all the heavens express the concept that the Creator is the one who influences He is the cause of the reasons. Everything comes from the Creator

and everything is good. You also see that the energy comes

from the sky. This chocolate also has its energy from the sun. Where does the sun get

its energy? We think it is because we picked it in the field, but who sustains its internal energy.

Expresses the will of the person who must be active on

his part in the form of a recipient in order to have an effect is a feeling of love for the Creator blessed with a love that is independent

of things independent of personal benefit which is actually the form of the Creator as far as we are concerned and this is what we

need to resemble therefore the whole Torah of God What is the Torah of Permissible Lies

To start with this a little, but it brings all the destruction

to the world, which does need to be achieved without the goal that leads to the goal, and that is

fine, but even there to progress, we hope and pray that we will be able to internalize these Mok signs

within us as individuals, and together this is possible, with the faithful handholding of friends, we will remember the

vast goal through signs These are the ones we will surely reach and be granted the entrance of Moshe Rabbnu not Ar Dosha

in Mr. Bimanu Amen that it is called that the greatness of the achievement will reach the desire for the Land of

Israel in terms of the completion

of the correction as we know Moshe Plus Love Gematria Mashiach

OK Parashat and this is the blessing

Foundations in learning the inner aspects of the Torah How to enter the Garden

of the Torah Zar and read in the scale letter A. Rabbi Elazar Open, I ask you a sign from the mother of the Lord,

your God, the valley. It is a question, oh, the height above. I looked at the first generations and the last generations, what between the


generations and

the last


. Q. Let me go

letter by letter, and if he did not know the upper wisdom that came from the letter, the prophet would not have told him this, and they know

the upper letters that follow from understanding and the lower letters that follow from the kingdoms of wisdom to lead

actions in the world. In short, they had a very, very

good spiritual technology. He came to give us if we dig deeper

and cup these questions within ourselves, we can act the Torah



. In his great and wonderful orchard

, in the direction that he opened between the king's humble ones, he did not look at the place at all, because from the abundance of

light in the orchard,

his vision extended to far distances, as far from him as far east from west,

and all the humble light he gave on the buildings and the halls broke a law from him on the west side, and he would walk

for days and months, traveling and marveling at the splendor of Vikar who sees on the

west side that he sees with his own eyes after a few

months his spirit is quiet and his lust is filled and he is satisfied with looking on the

west side he sat with himself and thought

yes grave several months his spirit is quiet his lust is filled his grandfather looking on the west side sat with himself

and thought what was found on all the way I passed he turned his face to the east side is the side he passed through There he entered, and he became

engrossed, because all the beauty and all the beauty was near him, and he did not understand himself, for he did not feel

at all in all this until he was glued only to the light shining towards

the west of Manez, and then he was glued to the light shining towards the east, and he would

walk and walk until he walked eastward until he reached the gate

The entrance right up

to here, the words of the owner of the Sil Hagrah

are very beautiful . It is worth seeing the idea in detail

. Yes, I mean, he had no means to appreciate

and recognize the good in the East, only when he was on stage in the dark, at a disadvantage, in the evening, in hunger, suddenly he

saw how great a light there is in the West. Sorry, in the East, but thanks to



. We feel anguish, loneliness,

sadness, fatigue, laziness, lack of admiration for the commandments

of the Torah, and it may be that the Creator is taking us on some kind of

journey, and when we suddenly approach the same Torah, we will suddenly see it differently and feel it

completely differently, but it is the same Torah, it has not changed, we

have changed, all the difference is in the intention of the heart, the rabbi just entered here to divide It is interesting for those who want

to expand on the examination of advanced

and advanced students there is in the article in Peri Chacham the theory of Kabbalah and the nature of the Peri

Chacham version A. Its name also expands on this matter.

From the level of the still man comes a man who exists indeed cannot grow and cannot move from his place

he must be tried by something outside him and has no life in him at all not even rules like that of

the plant what is something outside of him education respect

a help from others junction of the

heart a imagination he got a reward

Externally, when a person begins to study Torah, his eyes are on vast secrets that are in the Torah, let's

say, I mean, we spoke from

the side within the framework of worshiping Hashem, but even externally there is the same

still thing. The internal only from the external from the action as if it

automatically gives me the feeling

built into it but the feeling is both very very low and ends very quickly accordingly

when a person begins to study Torah they are not wedded to the vast secrets that are in

the Torah they begin to walk in it but the person is still with his eyes far from

his bones far from his soul The real one, which is mainly internal, is looking for the light in the West simply with a carnal observation

because that is what attracts a person when he

already fills his hook with it, he stops and as we know the hook is never filled

only knows how to grow when he comes

to Sabiya he turns his face to look for a deeper point than only an external observation so it passes

The person from the still state looks A straight generation to exam B. This is how it is written a belt in a

conditioned oz so there is a transition from inanimate to plant in a plant the work of the awareness of the

inner intention already begins in the still state man has no admiration for the truth

the admiration is for the lie from the exterior from the tongue half-knowledge of evil is the examination that should be In this situation, the bad thing

is that I seek the truth in externals,

in other knowledges, in other actions, in the perfection of the exterior instead of the perfection of the intention, this is all through

physical consciousness and physical perception, and also through the externality

of the Torah, which stands on its own, of course, because the externality of the Torah spoken of in the Torah means that it comes to serve

the internality. We have explained this

in detail to you

, the satisfaction comes from the processing of the appetite, the lust changes, so the person turns his face to see

that the more he witnessed, the less he witnessed, then where his heart should turn his face to the east, that is where the

middle line is, where the admiration is supposed to be, where he wants his soul

to go. It may be that before the journey, this is what the east looked like He is like

one line, but if he comes with the left, then he can come to the

middle line, that is, the person is looking for more meaning in the Torah in the service of God in life, this is already from the level of

the plant, a hint from the level of the plant does not change his place, but he can grow

within his place, so this is only

a hint because there is already movement here There is already a change here, but it is only a hint,

it is not evident in a clear way of moving from one place to another. At this level, the person begins to look for hints,

signs that will lead to the path of truth. There is no hint but thin signs

on the outside. A person is still within the outer framework of

the search and he sees the truth in the blink of an eye from

the physicality. Peeps from the crevices between the openings between

the spaces

in the spaces of faith The truth peeps

at a person but there is also a peep from the insects from the desires that are close to



The greatness or the allusion seeks to learn of the same type, but from each tag

and from each word, they seek to demand something, but of the same quality, when the simple and the allusion are only

external, this is similar to the study of the Torah in its stories, compared to the study of the Gemora, the complete Yara,

who learns every tag, every word, and the precise structure, but still on the way of

action The outer one is worth noting that each of the ways of

Peshat Remez Darsh and Sod includes the entire Pardes within it so that even from the Gemara and even only in the externals of the Torah

it is possible to learn the entire Pardes, but this is immeasurably more difficult than learning a Sermon and a lesson and another

matter which is only a generalization and not an essence

in the other wisdoms The wisdom of Kabbalah is language It is unique in itself from those who give or give to those of any order of

degrees, that is why it is so special, and of course those who understand it also see the inner side and the other

parts of the Torah, but still the inner side which is limited like the homosexual on the part of the receivers, of course I am not talking

about the light but about

our admiration, it is not still Only studying the stories of the Torah because you can also study the Kabbalah

are similar or study it as a plant but feel it

as an acre why because you are still in a low consciousness but the very fact that you are learning it as a plant little by little this also


to the heart of the knower yes the abstraction and the allusion are against yik there is still no revelation of wisdom They are in the examination of Hasidic

disguised in the examination of father and mother above all they give the examination of a frequent pairing without a comma that gives the

existence of the world as if the whole of it is expressed this situation in the exemplary order that exists in creation the secret home

is lacking the processes used to perfect the creation are not understood therefore in a state of perception at the level of simplicity

and allusion are still visible Suffering in the world when you look through the perfection of the world and not through its very

existence yes I mean if I look at the perfection of the world but not from the point of view of the correction but from the point of view of

the economy of reality good for but if we look at the basic existence, let's say, wonderful corrected wisdom

And prepared in advance and a wonderful providence crazy amazing things so actually the house of bins hides each other

surely oh that is good not forms of grace and peace because from the way of the good to the and not to the comment rule is

simple and hint the initials per is a sign for examining the appendix of the final letters

which is the root of a leprechaun among cattle in this world as well as a peria or

a fourth Adinim there, Baba and Mother Elin, considering a head

that has not yet spread from the power to the worker, examining a body, examining the practical acceptance of wisdom from top

to bottom, demanded from the level of the animal, by the way, there are vessels and skins in everything, so it depends on what is being talked about

at the moment. He is talking about the construction of the vessel as if the upper vessels grow first,

but there are In this there are more distinctions also that there is the whole step

and it actually depends on what is being talked about. The level of the animal can move from its place.

It is called having movement that can change its heart towards its Father in heaven, but still cannot

love something outside of itself, outside of what is visible to its eyes in the subconscious.

They are present at every level, that is to say, even in the still, there is stillness, things grow, and the plant also

grows life, speaking, so here we will speak in

general, here the awakening begins,

low to the lower awakening.

Spring, which are in terms of yuk from the lights who dress in tools that are only soul and spirit, then only for existence and not for

perfection, that is to say simply and the hint that it is also a very high level when they come for the internal

and not for the external, then it is a separate, not simple, when they use the internal, then they are a good thing,

but this Just a piece of the puzzle is not enough, it's just a show, we also need to move forward from this, it seems to me, in the listener,

he says that the Rabbi removes his ear from his name, his prayer is also good

when the lower awakens to an independent demand for the truth, the self of the truth, his soul is obliged to begin a process

of love towards the Creator, begins to acquire a love that does not depend on the thing From type

A, which belongs to the conscious level of the person, which includes what happens in the things visible to the person but not in the

hidden things. They required the beginning of the

inner arrival of the person.

An act that can still be faked and played, but

an annulment of the being called a will that touches the heart of the person and not only

in his head, this work is hidden, it is in the heart of the person, it is the implicit exam JDAD exams

Daur Ishar in which the person receives a partial comment in this situation there is already a self-will of

using In his selfishness

that works for the common good, it is not a complete revelation of the selfishness of the person, but the beginning of the revelation is also

a huge, great and sublime thing. Yes, it is like a step of the soul

. It is already a high step


To fear in vain in considering the graves of lust that will not bury itself in the revelation of its privacy. This is

also expressed in the physicality itself in a simple way, but here we are talking specifically about

spiritual steps that a person comes to use his privacy in the service

of God, so one should be careful because he is already doing it by receiving lights

. It also works on us even without hearing. We go through these situations only in the framework of not

hearing. For example, let's say a person started it's just a parable.

Let's say a person started to teach. Then it will be like the level of the animal

. He didn't go through a good preparation

in his childhood in his transition as you can see most of

the teachers were 10 seconds in transition and built their own Torah they took what is convenient for them they teach what they want

the lies the

connections on the other hand but if I don't bring

my talent then there is no uniqueness in it so it's really a situation like And we are talking here in the

true way, so now I brought a parable from teaching because there is pleasure in it, but here we are talking about lights and

very high spiritual steps, but it works completely in all the simple and ordinary steps of the not

for the sake of this world of training and more than that, if we don't practice, we won't reach the steps either

The goddess in every mecca in manifestation will be in order for you to be for the sake of his blessed name man needs

bones of soul and tremendous powers of holiness in order to be able to walk on

this level a person is found in this situation in the examination of his contribution they will call and I will answer I will answer there is no help from above automatically

you do not have a father who will trust you on your table on his table and you do not have a mother May you be carried

in the womb, whatever you do on your part, you will not accept in any way openly, yes, it is not an easy situation, because here they took away the

person's wheels and eyes, we will call it the

auxiliary wheels in the living situation, since it involves the desire of the subordinate, his deductible, they take

the auxiliary wheels from him And here the work begins to be very, very difficult, but that's the only way he truly progresses,

like a person who has repented, he suddenly approaches the innermost parts of the Torah, feels crazy visions, or

has converted to secularism, or has repented from ultra-Orthodox or from the externals of the Torah, and the owner of

the internals feels red skins, reddened, also immense, enormity of the soul,

a moment but another This is how it goes away when he moves to a

higher level, so again in this situation a person is in a contribution exam, they will call and I will answer there is no help

from above, seemingly automatically as he had before, you don't have

A father who will trust you at his table and you don't have a mother who will carry you

in her womb, whatever you do on your part you will not accept in any way openly, so here is the work of

the person, suddenly he does not have an automatic light in the Torah and mitzvot in prayer in conversations, he needs a lot of

work, but if he does the work, he buys This on his part is a very, very high level

and later on he will be able to win the light of the hoard as it is said in the eclipse of the Haran. This level of tzaddik creates a situation

in which the person receives immediate punishment

for his light and easy actions .

the best so that it comes out perfect without a rabbi, for example he did not aim for

heaven in the mitzvah it is very difficult for him to do it before this he did it

with enthusiasm and elation but it was without hearing very very low and he had enthusiasm because he

wanted to receive or because he was in kindergarten now starting the The real work,

blessed be He, is meticulous with him like the thread of the storm. He now feels the difficulty in working

for God, but on the other hand, he is in a gym to get


Lal Shema and not

to Beer Shehat. Their lives are not built by man, and their entire existence in our world

interferes and is not useful, and what the Holy One, blessed be He, also gave such creatures that

follow the path of simplicity and allusion . They are means and not an end.

It is worthy of slaughter for the benefit of man.

Only the animals worthy of slaughter are concerned with physicality.

In each of us, we need to slaughter and be precise here so that we don't get confused. There is the

simplicity and the hint that stand on their own that this is the bad thing that needs to be slaughtered, and there is the simplicity and the hint that came

to serve the internals, which is actually a good thing and is part

of development, and they prepare the person to demand, that is, to demand the

name of those who want to be an artist. He who wishes to be with the Holy One, blessed be He, in a partnership of

love deserves to build himself up within himself and walk with a confident foot to demand from himself the love of God

within himself, in short, by all means , it is not easy, but this

is the purpose , and there is no choice.

Has the possibility of Capricorn as well as movement from his place like the plants and animals His great uniqueness is that they are loved

outside of himself We expanded on this also in the introduction to the face and for an explanation you will see it there This is

the fourth exam Lower a exam in the Kingdom exam It is similar to the first one which is the hint

There is an exam of self-work There is a discovery of a

new exam Here we are already talking about a complete correction, while in Barman the purpose was fulfilled only in terms of

disappearing here there is a correction in terms of

disclosure when a person comes to correct his privacy in terms of the secret when they can reveal

his selfishness there is an I who bought everything and becomes selfish if he bought the right thing then his selfishness is holy if It remains

with my selfishness that he is in order to accept that this is nature, a newspaper, born detached and from the Creator, in a change of

form from the Creator, they shut off a wise man, a selfish man, a king

in a normal way, a nest, a head, a head

, a hand, an unknown place, and a difficult repair

. To fall like another who went to a bad culture and each of us has a

different test when the secret is discovered in the test of the happy answer

the discovery is very great the light of the bones spreads in the Neba without limit what

is the light of the bones light of wisdom what is the secret the inner desire of the person who wants to receive the benefit of the Creator

why is it A secret because it is hidden from the person, a person deserves love that Anna is dependent on a thing

of her kind. The correction also includes sub-moda and not only sub-moda. What is sub-moda? We have many desires.

We only see a small piece of the puzzle at any given time because this is part of the reality of correcting time

and place. We expanded on this in the introduction Before Ruth explains and in the

appropriate places, and if we pray for a way of preparation for flight, then the subconscious

is like the desires to receive his that are not corrected and hidden from him, and the conscious is the desire

to influence all my fornications turn into rights and he is like a

rising spring, this person reaches his own Messiah to the greatness of the achievement in the examination and witness me from their smallest to

their greatest The educational material the wisdom of Kabbalah is considered the foundation of

the Torah. The study of Kabbalah without the right intention is like a body without

a soul. Even the study of Kabbalah, despite its

greatness, can be a source of failure for those

who seek to

learn it only externally. To do the master of the ladder and gave us

a masterful order of learning and divine precision in the worship of God in the entire stele we were alone and his firstborn son

continues in his footsteps Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halavya Ashlag

Zatzokel arranged the worship of God for us in a complete way for Bel to study the Torah of Kabbalah

externally which is something that is a very, very big flaw As if one studies spirituality in order to

clothe it in physical transformations

, this has become the

absolute truth

. It is not a spiritual science, but it is part of it

Kabbalah is basically faith, that is, like love, love is not science,

love is faith, you can do anything and not love, there is no book for love, it's like you can

do everything and there is no love in the heart, it is not science, but it is true that there is a lot of science in Kabbalah, but it is not

Greek science, it is science Belief is something completely different science in the examination of the opinion of

the Beit essay there are evils that face a person when he seeks to learn

Kabbalah of which he must be very, very careful. One is to ask a person to go through not one of the practical laws

of the Torah mitzvahs. I perceive

the practical laws

in this world with the physical senses. We must maintain a bride as a strict one, without which it is not

possible to reach the interiority that is ordered according to

the truth. That is to say,

the halakhots are required

even though it is only external and that is

true, but without this exteriority we do not reach interiority.

Let him know that this is the truth to maintain because if not he is wrong but everyone has his

own trials his training his place he won't say I will study internalism and Kabbalah only

that I will maintain everything it is not better but if not

then we will not throw it all away do what you can and move forward but To know the truth that the

Judaism of Halachot is part of the second interiority, another evil that is serving and growing

is the desire to achieve

physical transformations from the wall of


. The whole business in Kabbalah is to scrape light for materialism, it is the

complete opposite of the truth. They seek these lies in wisdom in order to increase

their selfishness, to increase their personal worth. The exact opposite

of the teachings of the Torah, despite the warnings that a person should not lay his hands

on this wisdom, which is why it was created. Only through this wisdom nowadays can

something be extracted from something. From the truth it is so far from his troubled generation that his face is like a dog's face as the Mishnah

says, that is to say, out of spite, for its own sake, we don't have

a barrier, but to know where to aim,

okay, the rest of the questions and the

broad content can be seen

in the book

, we read the summary, we didn't read the questions, so to understand

the summary, you should study the questions But it will still be read like this. This is actually the end of the book, so there will be

a signature. Moses is not dead. Faith exists in the heart of man. It must be awakened.

The way to awaken the faith in man and thereby bring life to himself is to cause a spiritual awakening by

living the Torah of Israel in all its layers. Acceptance of the Torah of Israel can only be After hating the way of the nations

of the world in a person what is the way of the nations of the world

in a person to influence in order to accept or to accept in order to accept a person must first overcome the

spiritual wilderness that surrounds the nations of the world in which only then will he be able to discover Moses within him and shine the

faith in his soul so that he burns with the fire of enthusiasm of the love

of God, a person must look at the things stated in the Torah, and it is not enough for him to read from top to bottom. The

Torah gives us a hint of this, which begins with Ba and ends

with Baal, from the word Belya, which is the test

of a Baal, which must be turned into a

heart. To begin with an examination of the heart is the hint that

a person should buy the

truth from his heart. This is like the work from the bottom


. So it is appropriate for Moses to enter the Land of Israel, test the test of the Messiah, we are righteous, then Joshua and Moses will be

one division, and

with God's help, a day will come that is


light . The Torah boarding school and the love of the Lord, the fear of the Lord and His purpose, Amen

and Amen, thank you very much. I would be

very happy

if you would join my

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online, thank you very much, and may we receive the Torah at boarding schools, Aman Davush, thank you