עשר מכות מצרים

Ten plagues of Egypt עשרת המכות ai
והסבר קבלי מתוך חכמת הקבלה ותורת החסידות
the 10 plagues in human consciousness

according to the wisdom of cabala and

inner chassidic teachings the 10 plagues

are not merely

historical events but States Of

Consciousness that a person under goes

in life especially when striving to

uncover spiritual

reality the plagues are designed to

release a person from Egypt a state of

spiritual and emotional Distortion where

materialism and physicality dominate

into a state of spiritual

Freedom each plague addresses a specific

Distortion in the

individual and connects them to


correction through refining character

traits in interpreting reality through


awareness the plague of blood malut

Kingdom the Distortion the Kingdom of


represents spiritual silence and inner


where a person feels devoid of Vitality

the plague when the Waters of Life turn


blood the person realizes there is no


Vitality in Egypt materialism the

correction to discover that true

Vitality comes from the Israel within

the connection to the

soul plague of frogs Yad Foundation the

Distortion a distorted intellect

leads to

arrogance excessive talking and an

inability to listen to others or

reality the plague the Frog represents

torta bird of knowledge negative

knowledge infiltrating every aspect of

life emphasizing how uncontrolled

negative speech overtakes a person the

correction guarding the Covenant

learning to listen to others and

achieving inner

balance plague of Life hod Splendor the

Distortion of focus on excessive details

that breaks apart the whole the person

fixates on insignificant

details and cannot see the bigger

picture the plague life symbolize

incessant mental disturbances Petty

thoughts that prevent unity and clarity


the correction Rising above the

details to focus on the whole building

an internal Temple from a place of unity

plague of wild animals net sack

eternity the Distortion a constant sense

of lack spiritual hunger and

dissatisfaction a feeling of insatiable

emptiness the plague the plague

represents and

overwhelming sense of consumption and

yet remaining empty the correction to

view life from the inside focusing on

spiritual fulfillment rather than

external appearances plague of



TI the Distortion

emotions that are disconnected from

spiritual ideals lead to emotional

exhaustion and depression the plague

the death of livestock symbolizes the

collapse of emotional Vitality when it

serves only material

desires the

correction aligning emotions with

spiritual truth valuing authenticity and

purpose over

superficiality plague of boils G

strength the Distortion a lack of


creates chaos in a sense of lawlessness

the plague boils represent the inner

turmoil of kneading boundaries but


them this tension highlights the

necessity of

self-discipline the correction setting

clear boundaries distinguishing between

right and wrong sacred and mundane

plague of

hail chis said kindness the Distortion

over sensitive

ity and mixed

emotions including anger and sadness the

plague hail combining Fire and

Water represents overwhelming and

conflicting feelings that flood the

person the correction recognizing that

emotions arise for refinement and not

allowing them to control life

uncontrollably plague of locusts by NA

understanding the distortion

distorted thoughts and sinking into


perceptions the plague the locusts

devour all

crops symbolizing the destruction of

misguided intellectual growths a person


built the

correction escaping distorted thoughts

through proper and truthful

contemplation plague of Darkness chma

wisdom the

Distortion a person reaches the Pinnacle

of material achievements but feels a


emptiness the spiritual Darkness there

is great light but the person cannot

perceive it the

correction to realize that true light

comes from connecting to

Divinity not

materialism plague of the

firstborn k

Crown the Distortion absolute

egoism where a person views themselves

as the center of

everything leading to disconnection from

the source of Life the consequence this

egoism leads to existential despair the

correction to

recognize that everything belongs to the

Creator to surrender oneself out of love

rather then despair the 10 plagues

as a spiritual process the 10 plagues

represent a spiritual journey designed

to free a person from the confines of

their inner Egypt a

materialistic mindset toward a

spiritual Divine

Consciousness each plague exposes an


Distortion and offers an opportunity for

correction and growth the path to

leaving Egypt lies in connecting

to the inner Israel transforming the

plagues into tools for building faith in


elevation I am the rabbi known as Rabbi

cabala for

beginners please share the video comment

and give it a like to help spread the

knowledge to the public