locust plague

the plague of locusts according to

cabala and the inner meaning of the

Torah with insights from the wisdom of

Truth the plague of locusts ARB has the

numerical value

gatria of Zar stranger with the coell

inclusive count this means that the

Locust represents the covering of the

eye of the land

a the word arbe is related to harbe

many symbolizing a multitude of

details that obscure the general

principle the Inner

Essence the plague of locusts comes to

reveal to a person the distortions of


cipa spiritual shell within so that he

may correct them for the

Egyptian this plague was suffering but

for the Israelite within a person it was

a rectification

similar to how the wicked are sealed for

death on rash

hashana and yam

Kapur that is a person must put to death

the wicked elements within him so that

the righteous parts of his soul may be

sealed for Life who are the wicked

within a

person they are his selfish desires the

desires to receive for oneself

alone when a person builds his entire

Torah and midva upon self-interest

whether for

material pleasure in this world or in

the world to

come whether for acquiring more wealth

rather than for purifying his desire to

receive and aligning it with the Creator

then he is struck by the plague of

locusts what does the Locust plague do

it destroys all crops all produce and

all fields from the term man of the


everything that man built

externally the Locust is a correction

against the sphere of understanding all

growth all

depths everything man built the Locust

has a big appetite against man's

appetite for external possessions in

Torah and Commandments instead of

working on inner

spirituality love of others God and

man others from the term cheap your


from the term bad as the true eye the

secret of the palm of eye man has

locusts when he has an endless appetite

he is never satisfied with Torah and

Commandments becomes

stricter and stricter but forgets about


inner point about the soul therefore

here comes the plague of

locusts and eats all his Torah

Commandments all his understandings in

Torah and command M ments all his

greatness to force him to rebuild

everything on a foundation of

contemplation in all of

elevation in the greatness of the

creator for the Egyptian it's a plague

why because they took all his external

Torah and

Commandments showed him they are just

external a commandment without intention


like a body without a soul but if man

connects to his inner Israeli to his

Hebrew that sees Beyond

matter aspect of crossing the Jordan

sees beyond

descent then in such a state they


acquire Faith Acquire The Power of

understanding contemplation power of

imagination to reach form

equivalence and then this appetite

instead of eating and destroying

everything on the contrary it magnifies

the vision of the king may we Merit to

break the

Distortion break the shells

and all this multiplication of external

intellect in

Torah and

Commandments and external Torah study


artificial intelligence will turn for us

into a plague of

locusts which is against understanding

that shows us that wisdom without

kindness cannot

exist and then we will rebuild in the

aspect of bread of laziness you shall

not eat all the crop and produce of the

field return and put Faith in it amen

and amen may we Merit plague of locusts

by NA

understanding the Distortion distorted

thoughts and sinking into incorrect

perceptions the plague the locusts

devour all

crops symbolizing the destruction of

misguided intellectual growths of person



built the

correction escaping distorted thoughts

through proper and truthful

contemplation I am the rabbi known as

Rabbi cabala for

beginners please share the video comment

and give it a like to help spread the

knowledge to the public I would greatly

appreciate it if you subscribe as

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you won't miss any content blessings and

success to you all amen